Thursday, January 3, 2019

libro Simular ser una persona normal día tras día es agotador/ Pretend to be a normal person day after day is exhausting Suzy Toronto epub

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Suzy Toronto puts an end to thinking you have to be, act, or look a certain way in order to fit in. Life is too short for that and, besides, it's exhausting trying to be something you're not day after day!
With this light-hearted book, Suzy and her wacky characters show us that it's okay to break the rules sometimes, so long as we stay true to who we are and can learn to laugh at our mistakes. You'll be inspired to reach outside your comfort zone, embrace every moment with passion and enthusiasm, and always, always color outside the lines!
Simular ser una persona normal día tras día es agotador/ Pretend to be a normal person day after day is exhausting novela
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